
Showing posts from July, 2013

Reading - The Chronicles of Narnia and Kampung girl

It's been so long since I'd read some book because of i didn't have much time before. So now as i'd finish my studies and waiting for the degree offer and i decided to read the book that i bought not so long ago, actually it's kinda long ago - i guess. By the way it's The Chronicles of Narnia. For some time i read it from the Magician's Nephew and now till The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, Oh I feel like watching the movie but for now it only have 3 movie that is 'The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe','Prince Caspian' and 'The Voyage of the Dawn Treader' and now i just finish reading The Voyage of the Dawn Treader making me wanted to watch the movie and yeah - I actually watching the movie Oh! How I wish the next upcoming movie will be so soon. I'll continue reading this book. If you ask me - it's a fine book and you can learn more word as the book was around 1950's and the author use an old language but you can still un...

I'll do my best, Mother!

Assalamualaikum Dear somebody, Who? in this world that doesn't want a good life, good wife/husband, or even don't want have a problem in her life but with more things that matter or problem that showed up we will learn to face it with more courage and more thinking that what consequences will be - if i does that if i does this. Plus, life will not be colorful if its not with a problem, that is what that make us more mature, more independent, and more to understanding the soul-mate/family/friends or other person. As a human that life in community, yes we have responsibilities toward other - family, friends, someone that we've just met but doesn't even know his/her name or even someone that just pass by us. This is all fate. While others live their life we live on our own life. Now as we see when we seat on the train and watch people around us, they are just like us, try their hardest for their future. I always and like to watch people - yaa its maybe...

Menjalani Minor Oral Surgery - Dentist

Minor Oral Surgery (MOS) haa~ sebelum ape -ape Assalamualaikum, Hari ni aku menjalani Minor Oral Surgery untuk gigi sbb ade gigi aku yang xle nak tumbuh sbb dah xde ruang bukan untuk gigi bongsu ye sbb selalunye orang buat MOS ni nak keluarkan gigi bongsu la sbb die paling lambat keluar kan. sebb aku buat MOS ni sbb gigi ni dah tolak gigi lain menyebabkan gigi aku berterabur and this is one of the process la untuk pasang braces. Haaa cakap pasal braces xlama lagi aku akan pakai braces - sangat x lama lagi just around the corner 31st july nanti sebelum raya. Sebenarnya ramai yang malu nak pakai braces ni tapi aku suka so aku decide nak pakai sebelum raya so aku akan ade rupa bari time raya ceeewaaaaahhh~ Okay back to MOS masa masuk bilik dentist tu woiiiii sape x berdebar dengar nama pun dah cuak MINOR ORAL SURGERY. PERGHHH! mantop la katekan. masuk doktor kate harini kita buat MOS ye amira you taw kan. and i know because the doctor i mean the dentist yang akan buat braces i dah b...

How to Make Ice Cream In 5 Minutes

I've learn this before in form 5 when we had to do an experiment in school. Such an interesting experiment and you can eat the result of the experiment too. YUMMY!~ So this is how you do it - There is nothing quite like the creamy ice cold treat known as ice cream. The various flavors available will satisfy you and cool you on those long hot summer days as well as treat you to something special and sweet. What if making your own sweet cold treat was easy and possible in five short minutes? This infographic walks you through the steps to making your very own ice cold dairy dream.

The Mindmapping Technique

I really love mindmapping especially when it's very colourful. Makes me want to read it more and more because of the colour. Same goes to kids, they also enjoy it and will cherish it. Uses Mind Maps are useful for: ~Brainstorming - individually, and as a group. ~Summarizing information, and note taking. ~Consolidating information from different research sources. ~Thinking through complex problems. ~Presenting information in a format that shows the overall structure of your subject. ~Studying and memorizing information. Using Mind Maps Effectively ~Once you understand how to take notes in Mind Map format, you can develop your own conventions for taking them further. The following suggestions can help you draw impactful Mind Maps: ~Use Single Words or Simple Phrases – Many words in normal writing are padding, as they ensure that facts are conveyed in the correct context, and in a format that is pleasant to read. ~In Mind...

Minions in Despicable Me

The minions in despicable me is very funny, the way they mocking, laughing, jumping, talking. ahah~ I just can;t stand it makes me ROFL & while I'm surfing the internet i found this and i wanted to share with you so enjoy and this is how you know who'w who of the Minions. Love to share

Which Book Reader Species are you?

There are many kind of person in this world and this is sort by what book do you read. Enjoy the infographic. Share it and cherish. #nowreading -

Tamat Pengajian Diplomaku

Assalamualaikum, Selesai diplomaku selama 2 bulan dah sekarang ni. sekarang ni boleh kira mengangur tetaplah. Erm.. Aku berasal dari keluarga yang boleh kira senang jugak la. so kalau aku duk rumah goyang kaki pun xde hal. erm tp i have to babysit my little brother so that's why i didn't work. Sekarang ni tunggu result penerapan entah dapat ke tidak, kalau tidak baba suro masuk MMU (Multimedia University) je. Erm kalau ikutkan hati okay je dekat jugak dari rumah i mean xde la dekat sgt but it still in selangor. Bila dah jadi graduan diploma ni, aku dah lalui kehidupan sebagai seorang siswi dan pada pendapat aku banyak yang aku belajar. Sangat banyak - bagaimana nak survive, bagaimana nak study, bagaimana nak join club, bagaimana semuanye la katekan. tp yela aku masih muda byk lagi nak belajar. Syukur Allah bagi peluang kat aku. Alhamdullilah. Kira aku aku mungkin xdpt masuk UiTM kot sbb masalah teknikal yang aku sendrik buat (padan muka buat keje x serius camni la jadi) ...

The Evolution of the Geek

share it with you this little peace of information =)

Your Farts: The Facts
