
Showing posts from March, 2011

Cookie Crisp

yummy! cookie crisp *excited face*. i got to try it. i can eat everyday if i could but im a student so no money no cookie crisp.. =( today i have to tasmi' my hafazan.. 4 of 9 i didnt hafaz. kinda scare i'll didnt hafal. just now before i get the surah that i have to tasmi'.. im hoping the surah that i know. alhamdullilah i get surah alqariah. HAPPY!! after this i have electrical measurement class. and finish for the day. :[] at --->kolej duyung<---

Kuantan! kuantan! kuantan!

kolej seem so quiet!.many of them went to camping.. camping.. and camping.. some of them went back home to their beloved family. Next week must be a very busy week thats why they wanna go home this week. smalam kuar ngn en pizza, ms.helmet ngn ms.siputterbalek. ha3.... owh... and uncle ms.siputterbalek. En Pizza bring his friends. theyre so excited to watch so called m.a.k.n.y.a.h. maknyah*whispering*.... hahaha. macam biase jalan2 ke kuantan @ k.terengganu ni cam dah sebati... tiap2 minggu ade je tempat nak pegi... dri kononnya xnak pergi tetiba dah ade kat tempat yg ingt dituju. mlm tu malas gak nak kuar, tup3! kuar. ha3 xley nak kate ape la.... eka suh order kete. tp kat tmpat kitowang order tu dah abes,.. order la tmpat so called abg busuk! sbb mmg busuk... pwfft.! before our journey. they hookah 1st.ha3 but not me. cause im the driver. we dont want anything happen while driving rite.. plus my new record. i drive viva MANUAL to kuantan, to and fro. HELL SWEET!!! but it's so tir

everybody is NOT perfect!

kalau nak kate sume perfect tu menipu la... tp ade gak orang yang pentingkan perfectionsm. herankan. tau diri tu x perfect! tp nak everything perfect. hello sekarang ni spe yg sengal!! KESERONOKAN kat sini sekarang ni. ramai orang yg aq jumpe. suke clubbing.suke kuar.suke kan keseronkan. tu la yg aq ikut... ye la sume orang x perfect aq ni plak senang nak ikut orang. sekarang ni aq takut nak tinggal solat takut Allah x jage aq.. KOLEJ harapan aq tuk dpt kolej sgt tinggi tp belajarnye tidak. ni la die telah berlaku satu lagi kononnye harapkan keajaiban. xkan belaku la wei. nak dekan beusaha la. ni dok kate. nak dekan.. nak dekan.. tp x berusaha pun. so aq nekad la nak berusaha. tp nak makan dulu la ofcourse. BOMBA best... fun sgt sbb ade byk aktiviti yg x melibat kan keserabutan kepale. and betul la orang kate kokurikulum tu mmg membantu release stress. agak la. kawan pun lain. ni kawan sme je. bosan aq. entah la. kawan ramai bgus dow. tp tu la? *saket jiwa* MEJA BILIK besepah bagai nak