Kuantan! kuantan! kuantan!

kolej seem so quiet!.many of them went to camping.. camping.. and camping.. some of them went back home to their beloved family. Next week must be a very busy week thats why they wanna go home this week. smalam kuar ngn en pizza, ms.helmet ngn ms.siputterbalek. ha3.... owh... and uncle ms.siputterbalek. En Pizza bring his friends. theyre so excited to watch so called m.a.k.n.y.a.h. maknyah*whispering*.... hahaha.

macam biase jalan2 ke kuantan @ k.terengganu ni cam dah sebati... tiap2 minggu ade je tempat nak pegi... dri kononnya xnak pergi tetiba dah ade kat tempat yg ingt dituju. mlm tu malas gak nak kuar, tup3! kuar. ha3 xley nak kate ape la....
eka suh order kete. tp kat tmpat kitowang order tu dah abes,.. order la tmpat so called abg busuk! sbb mmg busuk... pwfft.!
before our journey. they hookah 1st.ha3 but not me. cause im the driver. we dont want anything happen while driving rite.. plus my new record. i drive viva MANUAL to kuantan, to and fro. HELL SWEET!!! but it's so tiring.
the next morning ms. siputterbalek uncle have to go to work. so we sent him to his home and back to uitm.. en pizza and his friends arrived that evening after enjoying their *pantai cherating*

next pitstop-nak kuar ngn geng 5science1.... bile la tu... kalo kuar pun nak gi mane. hulu yam. ha2....


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