Those sketches you've penned during a meeting could unlock a lot about What's on your mind.

Brick walls are indicative of an obstacle

Brick walls, just like the real structure, are the result of an obstacle in your life - you feel limited and restricted.


Tic Tac Toe doodles tell people you're in it to win it


Geometric shapes are the result of an organised mind

Circles, triangles and squares the most basic of shapes and usually drawn when you've got your business in order and feel on top of the situation. Squares can something say that you're only thinking of things from one side, and triangles can show a sense of purpose.


Flowers indicate a gentle nature

Flowers indicate someone who is gentle, probably a nature lover, and probably innocent and child-like. If you're doodling flowers your mind is in a happy place and you really should enjoy it.


Stick figures are a direct reflection of your current state of mind

You are the stick person. Drawing one with no hands says you're not able to do what you really want to do. Drawing one with no feet says you're feeling trapped. And, look at the expressions you've drawn on their faces - are you looking at that (wo)man in the mirror?


Scribbles and scrawls show a sense of aimlessness

If you're randomly scribbling, you're probably feeling aimless and lost. The same can be said for someone who's drawing random, abstract shapes.


Arrows show ambition and drive

Arrows are generally a masculine doodle, and denote drive and strong ambition. Drawn dark and emphasised, they indicate a strong will to get going, and drawn accurately and precisely, show a need to move things along, especially if the arrow is pointing upward.


Your name says you're always thinking about yourself
Doodling your name is symbolic of a worry you have with yourself. This could take the form of being overly egoistic about yourself, or on the other hand, having low-self esteem or self-image problems.


Hearts say you're in love or thinking about love


Cubes indicate a love of structure

Cubes indicate a love for order and structure and the three-dimensional nature of your doodle indicates that you're thinking about things from all angles. If, however, you're drawing stacked cubes, it could be the result of stress.

(Did you know: Cubes are the most popular doodles in the world?)



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