I'll do my best, Mother!

Dear somebody,
Who? in this world that doesn't want a good life, good wife/husband, or even don't
want have a problem in her life but with more things that matter or problem that showed
up we will learn to face it with more courage and more thinking that what consequences
will be - if i does that if i does this. Plus, life will not be colorful if its not with
a problem, that is what that make us more mature, more independent, and more to
understanding the soul-mate/family/friends or other person.

As a human that life in community, yes we have responsibilities toward other - family,
friends, someone that we've just met but doesn't even know his/her name or even someone
that just pass by us. This is all fate. While others live their life we live on our own
life. Now as we see when we seat on the train and watch people around us, they are just
like us, try their hardest for their future. I always and like to watch people - yaa
its maybe weird but while doing that i can see their are many trait, many characteristic,
some are happy, thinking,sleeping, wondering if they will be home on time and sometime
they're watch other people.

I barely even old enough to say that my life is good or bad, but my life for me is
average, that all teenage have. Different person will have a different opinion, problem,
friends, food fave etc that what make us different but the truth is we still the same.
God will not give you a challenge or a problem that you yourself can't do it, its just
a matter of you try to do it or you just give up. What you lose for trying? Was it
that bad? think of other that are even worse but they can do it because of courage,
confident. Then you'll say that you are not brave enough? its like this what you do
is what you get. Have hard time first and you will have a good time later and that is
even better. Don't get me wrong this is just my opinion as other people have their
own opinion.

I've been a teenager and i always talk a higher voice to my mother. I know its wrong
and i wish i don't do that for i know one day that I'll miss her very badly. She always
give support to me, always give me tissue if i was crying but if she cry i didn't do
anything. I wasn't good in my grade to make her happy for what i achieve. and for my
future for her i'll make her proud of me and i'll try my best and will not let her do
so much work

note to myself - work hard so your parent wouldn't have to word hard!


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