Menjalani Minor Oral Surgery - Dentist

Minor Oral Surgery (MOS)

haa~ sebelum ape -ape Assalamualaikum,
Hari ni aku menjalani Minor Oral Surgery untuk gigi sbb ade gigi aku yang xle nak tumbuh sbb dah xde ruang bukan untuk gigi bongsu ye sbb selalunye orang buat MOS ni nak keluarkan gigi bongsu la sbb die paling lambat keluar kan.
sebb aku buat MOS ni sbb gigi ni dah tolak gigi lain menyebabkan gigi aku berterabur and this is one of the process la untuk pasang braces. Haaa cakap pasal braces xlama lagi aku akan pakai braces - sangat x lama lagi just around the corner 31st july nanti sebelum raya. Sebenarnya ramai yang malu nak pakai braces ni tapi aku suka so aku decide nak pakai sebelum raya so aku akan ade rupa bari time raya ceeewaaaaahhh~

Okay back to MOS masa masuk bilik dentist tu woiiiii sape x berdebar dengar nama pun dah cuak MINOR ORAL SURGERY. PERGHHH! mantop la katekan. masuk doktor kate harini kita buat MOS ye amira you taw kan. and i know because the doctor i mean the dentist yang akan buat braces i dah bagi taw. so then i just tawakal and hope that the dentist don't make any mistake. many thing that i saw because the doctor only bius at the teeth area only. and i saw the thin jarum that the doctor use to bius me. oh my god its not a very good feeling, and yes a lot of people said that its not painful when the needle get in the gum but seriously its not about the pain its about seeing it get in the gum by your own eyes and right in front of your nose, yeah ofcourse because the mouth is just under your nose - duuhhh~ haaah. yeah you want to know what its feel like like the other said just feel like the semut gigit. kinda true. but when you don't have that kind of experiences you have that skeptical feeling is it true, is it same as the semut gigit?

The as the time past for a few minutes i felt very numb inside my mouth and that time i know that the bius started to work. Then i don't know what the dentist do but my guess because , its in my mouth and taste salty like the blood and i know the doctor have cut my gum already and i saw the dentist gloves full of my blood OMG its making me feel like.. i don't know a little uneasy if i must say. I'm in the room for 2 hours and 30 minutes roughly.. feels like hell. Then the doctor said that she can't get the teeth out and my teeth is very hard to cabut. The i heard the doctor said she want to take out the crown part of the tooth and that time i heard the chipping sound of my dearie tooth. After a while it came to the root part of the tooth and its very heard to take it out <-- the doctor said la i wouldn't know that if she didn't tell me.. at that time i felt like hours of hours just to take out the root and i felt very dizzy that it makes my eyes shed a tears. After awhile thank Allah the root get out easily and i saw the root of that tooth is in a bend shape that is why the tooth won't come out easily and at the end the doctor said okay done and i was sooooooo relieve it when well and when the chair tilt back to it normal position i felt a bit fussy because my head is lower that the other part of the body and so many blood out from that surgery and at that time i thought i couldn't walk because it is the same feeling as if you have been donating blood, there is that kind of fussy and you still can't stand up cause if you stand up immediately after donating your blood you will fell to you knees. So i sit for awhile and when i think i can walk i walk towards the door and i forgot to said thankyou to the doctor as well. Owh so sorry doctor.

Then my mother pick me up and paid the bill and shuuu~ we go a went back home and today i don't have to do any work and that is what special but it's not like i can't do it but if you get that kind of treat who doesn't want it, you dont have to do chores don't have to sent your brother to tuisyen and pick them up later you just sit back and relax.

From what i learn beauty come with a price and hard work. You have to tooth extraction, wear braces, high heel etc
And if I'm lucky maybe tommorow also i don't have to do chores and i'm happy with that.

So See you soon~


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