Reading - The Chronicles of Narnia and Kampung girl

It's been so long since I'd read some book because of i didn't have much time before. So now as i'd finish my studies and waiting for the degree offer and i decided to read the book that i bought not so long ago, actually it's kinda long ago - i guess. By the way it's The Chronicles of Narnia. For some time i read it from the Magician's Nephew and now till The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, Oh I feel like watching the movie but for now it only have 3 movie that is 'The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe','Prince Caspian' and 'The Voyage of the Dawn Treader' and now i just finish reading The Voyage of the Dawn Treader making me wanted to watch the movie and yeah - I actually watching the movie Oh! How I wish the next upcoming movie will be so soon. I'll continue reading this book.

If you ask me - it's a fine book and you can learn more word as the book was around 1950's and the author use an old language
but you can still understand it thought. By the way while I read this the book i order from MPH arrived and I ordered the Kampung Girl novel a Malay novel and it's very catchy and you should read it. Maybe some of you didn't like the novel that is jiwang (romantic) but if reading is your hobby, you wouldn't mine to read what ever book you'd fine you just read it. maybe some book may bored you such as history book.. yeah me too. I'd like the fiction type of book more but if its the non-fiction maybe i just go through as fast as i can LOL.

Owh! before i forget, actually i kinda forget it after watching The Narnia:The Voyage of the Dawn Treader. It's the soundtrack of that movie actually nice song you know its 'There's a Place for us' - deep meaning in this song for those who think that there are no place for him/ her in this world may this song boost you confident to move forward~ There's a Place for US! Good Luck

If you want to know more about the Novel you can just google it at google of course =)

Sorry for the big image as i don't know how to make it small hope you'll enjoy it.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ to keep track what i've been doing in this pass few month~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


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