The Mindmapping Technique

I really love mindmapping especially when it's very colourful.
Makes me want to read it more and more because of the colour.
Same goes to kids, they also enjoy it and will cherish it.


Mind Maps are useful for:

~Brainstorming - individually, and as a group.

~Summarizing information, and note taking.

~Consolidating information from different research sources.

~Thinking through complex problems.

~Presenting information in a format that shows the overall structure of your subject.

~Studying and memorizing information.

Using Mind Maps Effectively

~Once you understand how to take notes in Mind Map format, you can develop your own
conventions for taking them further. The following suggestions can help you draw
impactful Mind Maps:

~Use Single Words or Simple Phrases – Many words in normal writing are padding,
as they ensure that facts are conveyed in the correct context, and in a format
that is pleasant to read.

~In Mind Maps, single strong words and short, meaningful phrases can convey
the same meaning more potently. Excess words just clutter the Mind Map.

~Print Words – Joined up or indistinct writing is more difficult to read.
~Use Color to Separate Different Ideas – This will help you to separate ideas
where necessary. It also helps you to visualize the Mind Map for recall. Color
can help to show the organization of the subject.

~Use Symbols and Images – Pictures can help you to remember information more
effectively than words, so, where a symbol or picture means something to you,
use it. (You can use photo libraries like iStockPhoto to source images inexpensively.)

~Using Cross-Linkages – Information in one part of a Mind Map may relate
to another part. Here you can draw lines to show the cross-linkages. This helps
you to see how one part of the subject affects another.

Brain have two parts - left and right, the left side is the side that always do
work involving - words, numbers, lists,logic and analysis. While on the right
side more to colours, daydreaming, arts, 3D, rhythm and imagination.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~This is the creation of Almighty God - ALLAH~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


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