My next step, UTP

It's 2012 already, it have been three years - ops i mean two and a half years i
left school.Before I get to university I've wonder - which university should I choose.
So I made up my mind, erm maybe UiTM it's because both of my parent were there before.
At that time I don't know where to go or what kind of university i have to go to,
but luckily i got offered from UiTM - course electrical engineering.SO,
I get into UiTM intake July 2010, at that time i thought that
WOW i get in to university and not any university its UiTM, but now that I've
heard many said that UiTM just pick up anyone (Malay) that didn't get university
so I don't want to be among that kind of student- that've been pick among the one
who didn't get 'U' & Not like i said UiTM's sucks their are many good student there too.
I know I also didn't do that great there but if you think that you are good enough,
that is what happen, no USAHA, no hard work, no trying to get better, and
no trying to bet them
. right!~ so you know after i graduated as diploma student which is in 2013,
I'll tried to get in UTP (Universiti Teknologi Petronas) I'll tried hard to get there.
I know that my pointer wouldn't let me to go there. but u know what I'll work my butt of to get offered from UTP.
Chaiyok!~ THis is some of their infos
So take a look more at their website at the link below:


See my future Universiti (Beranganlah minah oit)

Motto : Engineering Futures

Established : 10 January 1997

Location : Seri Iskandar, Perak, Malaysia

Website :


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